Friday, April 26, 2019

In the making...

In the making...
We used JavaScript and HTML to make Fun Studios. It was hard, and I had to go to to learn more about professional coding. I think making Fun Studios was very fun, and I'm still making it, because Fun Studios has daily content added! Me an the FactO team edit Fun Studios all the time. I thought we should make a website so we can share our ideas and show what we do here at Fun Studios, so we made this website (Fun Studios CreatorsHub). If you think you want to share what you think of Fun Studios, comment below!

The Creator

Click the image to go to my profile!
About Me

Hello, my name is Bleys. (I think my name is pronounced like blaze, but I don't know). I own the world best group of web development enthusiasts. It is called FactO. I own Fun Studios, too. I  also own many other websites. So many that I've lost count. I have something like, um... 68 or some number like that. I can't say how many websites I have, because I make new ones every day. That is not even much for me.  Well, let me just say thanks for visiting this site. I hope you enjoy having fun. I will no stop babbling about myself. Bye.

For any queries email Bleys: